Action climatique : Paris – Bakou à vélo, un voyage à bas coût carbone pour la COP 29

they will cycle from Paris to Baku to promote cycling

Guillaume Otrage and his troupe will travel from Paris to Baku, by bike, for five months. A 6,500 km trip to Baku, at low carbon cost. Objective: make 10 proposals for more bicycles in the agreements for the planet which will be negotiated at the next COP 29. Let us tell you about this adventure. You will be able to join them, support them, help them.

Paris – Baku: integrating cycling into the carbon reduction plans negotiated at COP 29

This is the message and intention carried by Guillaume Otrage on this project entitled “COP 29 Bike Raid“. Ride together 6,500 kilometers to connect Paris to Baku and promote active mobility. On June 15, a group of European cyclists will set off on this journey. To symbolically connect Paris to Baku, in Azerbaijan, host city of COP 29 , from November 11 to 22, 2024.

Paris – Baku: integrating cycling into the carbon reduction plans negotiated at COP 29Paris – Baku: integrating cycling into the carbon reduction plans negotiated at COP 29
Paris – Baku by bike for COP 29; they pass through Strasbourg

This expedition aims to bring ten concrete proposals. The idea? Promote the development of cycling in countries’ emissions reduction plans (nationally determined contributions or “NDCs”). Also, raise awareness of the urgency of more ambitious action to combat climate change. Guillaume tells us: “along the way, we will meet climate experts, MPs, elected officials. Qu they explain to us the issues and how cycling can be a solution”.

Paris – Baku by bike: an ambitious challenge that brings together

Nearly fifty cyclists from all over Europe have already responded to the call (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Serbia…). Ride together. The initiative is supported by the ECF (European Cycling Federation), the largest European cycling organization present at COP29. Without forgetting a few players in the world of cycling: the French manufacturer of electric wheels Teebike, the eco-responsible travel agency Fairtrotter or the French cargotail manufacturer Galian.

A journey open to all

This adventure is open to everyone. You have the option to join the group for the entire route, or to choose segments. You will choose according to your physical abilities, availability and aspirations.

The journey to Baku does not pass through Portugal or Spain.

Stages planned on specific dates (see below) will allow participants to come together and participate in conferences and workshops. All this to raise awareness of the need for stronger commitments from COPs in favor of cycling development.

These stages will also be an opportunity to refine the ten proposals put forward by the cyclists. In the dialogue, visits from local authorities, soft mobility experts, cycling associations and the press.

We want to take the time to meet, to settle down

The COP 29 Bike RaidThe COP 29 Bike Raid
The COP 29 Bike Raid

Want to participate in the COP 29 Bike Raid? You have a bike, basic camping gear and plenty of motivation. That’s enough. Guillaume adds: “The program runs around, on average, 50 kilometers per day. A little less when there is a lot of elevation gain. A little more when the stage is on the plain. We want to take the time to meet, to settle down.”

A distance accessible to people with a reasonable physical condition. A weekly rest day is planned to facilitate recovery. Accommodation will vary between stops at supporters’ homes and camping along the route. All types of bikes, whether standard, gravel or electric, are welcome.

Cycling, an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions

Transport, responsible for 30% of global CO2 emissions, constitutes a major public health issue. Particularly because of the air pollution they generate in urban areas. Although the bicycle offers a durable and accessible solution for many daily trips, its use remains too low. Representing only 11% of means of transport on average in Europe, and even less in many cities on the continent.

States have made commitments in favor of green transport. However, the efforts deployed so far remain insufficient to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement (COP 21). Now is the time to accelerate action. Significantly strengthen the place of bicloune in countries’ emissions reduction plans.

COP 29: And PATH cycling (and walking)COP 29: And PATH cycling (and walking)
COP 29: And PATH cycling (and walking)

The participants in the COP 29 Bike Raid wish to contribute to the objective of PATH, a grouping of the largest associations representing active mobility worldwide. The PATH aims to reach 80% modal share of walking, cycling and public transport by 2030, in order to reduce CO2 emissions by 50%.

Act local, go international

“We set off independently, not far from a minimalist epic. The idea is to be light and agile”

Flying on a bike, we’ve all had that feeling.

Guillaume Otrage will drive to Baku, at low cost. “We set off independently, not far from a minimalist epic. The idea is to be light and agile“. More than 10 countries will be visited: France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan. The fact remains that Guillaume does not forget local action.

Since 2020, he has been deputy mayor of the city of Meudon, in charge of soft mobility. We met Guillaume as part of our weekly portraits for France Bleu Paris. He told us off microphone: “Work to make more room for cycling and pedestrians in a town (Meudon) which has a lot of elevation, which is therefore not very topographically “bike friendly”“. He adds : “I would like to have more involvement from local associations“. Words in the form of a wish, absolutely not in the form of lament or regret.

The challenges of COP 29 in Baku

COP 29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November 2024, promises to be a crucial meeting in the global fight against climate change. In an increasingly urgent context, negotiations will need to address more ambitious objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.

The challenges of COP 29 in BakuThe challenges of COP 29 in Baku
Baku and its flame towers

Countries will need to review and strengthen their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to ensure a faster and more efficient energy transition to renewables, while ensuring climate justice for the most vulnerable nations.

The inevitable impacts of climate change

Another major issue at COP 29 will be adaptation to the inevitable impacts of climate change. Discussions will focus on financing adaptation measures, particularly for developing countries which are bearing the brunt of the consequences of extreme climate phenomena.

It will be crucial to find agreement on financing mechanisms, such as the Green Climate Fund, to support these countries in implementing resilient strategies. In addition, COP 29 must address the issue of loss and damage, by defining concrete measures to compensate communities affected by climate disasters.

Support this Paris – Baku by bike (out and back)

© Midjourney

Any support is welcome for this COP 29 Bike Raid. Whether it is material, financial, logistical support or simply enthusiastic encouragement. All contributions are valuable to the success of this project.

The funds remaining after the raid will be donated to the Reforest’Action association, which works to reforest natural environments. For the return from Baku to Paris, another journey awaits. Multimodality. Trains and buses. Probably also a bit of cycling.

For more information and to register, follow the guide on their official website, here in French, or here in english. Their Instagram account is here. An initiative reminiscent of that of Dorothée Hildegrandt, who left from Sweden to join COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh.

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